

Size: Large

Coat: Smooth-haired, Short

Trainability: Independent

Activity: Regular Exercise

Barking: When Necessary


The Azawakh is a unique and elegant breed hailing from West Africa, known for its slender and athletic build. This breed was originally used by the Tuareg people for hunting large game. Azawakh dogs are prized for their speed, endurance, and loyalty. They are both reserved and affectionate with their families, making them excellent companions.


Azawakh dogs have a short, fine coat that requires minimal grooming. Their coat is low-maintenance, and they are generally clean dogs. Due to their thin skin and low body fat, they should be protected from extreme temperatures. Regular exercise is crucial for their health, as they have high energy levels and need ample opportunities to run.


Azawakh dogs are well-suited for homes with space and secure fencing. They are more adaptable to warmer climates but should be protected from the cold. This breed is generally good with children and other pets, though they may be reserved with strangers. They thrive in environments where they can get plenty of exercise and mental stimulation.
